This school year, we are going to try something new. My 4th grader will attend the online public school program, K12. I've hear alot of positives and, alot of negatives about the program, but we're on the positive side of things here and we're looking forward to new experiences and some flexibility. I'll still have my 9th grader in the local brick and mortar school. She was accepted to the K12 program, but she decided to go with the local high school for her freshman year.
We chose to try this with my son this school year, mostly because he's always struggled in a class where there is little one on one teaching. He's also an extremely fast learner, and it was really frustrating in a classroom situation when he was ready to move on. Many, many mornings began with tears and him refusing to go to school, he was just miserable there. From K all the way thru to 3rd we fought the same fight, daily. I am happy to say, this year he is EXCITED to start school! We are looking forward to days that we can sit together and learn something new. I've got my eye on traditional homeschool as a possibly in the future, but for now...we're beginning this journey with the help of K12.
Right now, we are awaiting our delivery of materials and trying to get our desk spaces organized. In the mean time, we got his desk area set up and ready to go. We transformed this old armoire to a usable space that can be closed up when not in use. I attached 8"x 8" cork board panels that I purchased at Michaels, along with a small white board. I'll pin his calendar and daily "to-do's" to those. Along the inside back of the main desk top, I slipped in another cork board and clipped on a desk lamp (which we may change later). The bottom area has a plastic 3 drawer unit (again, this may change) to use for supplies. I have not yet added the file holders to the bottom doors. These file holders will hold notebooks, folders, workbooks/work sheets and other papers needed. His text books, if they fit, will go on the top shelf or in one of the drawers.
Here's his desk area, ready to go!
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