Monday, August 19, 2013

I'm still here!!!

I don't even know where to start! I've had step away from the blog for a little while because we've been so busy! I honestly haven't really had the time or energy to get a decent blog post together, let alone any sewing or crafting for the blog. All in the span of a week, my daughter started 9th grade at our local high school then we suddenly transitioned her to the K12 program at home. Without going into too much detail, we confronted some issues with the school about her placement in the classes they offered on her schedule, and there was very little wiggle room for her to make the necessary changes. We were able to not only get her into the classes needed, but add classes not offered at our local school with the K12 program. My son who is in 4th grade this year, started the K12 program on the same day as our daughter. Then, to top it all off, I was offered a part time work from home job with K12 and I started my job training the day after they started school. It was a long week last week for sure, and I'm hoping this week goes a little smoother as we transition.

Here's what our first morning looked like! The morning sun was coming in and the day was low key. The kids attended a few orientations that day and through the week that were presented by teachers and staff for each grade level.

So, I'm hoping that the few of you that are followers are still hanging in there! I haven't forgotten about the blog or tossed it aside, promise! We've just had some surprise transitions to take care of first.

I'll leave you with a photo of my Anna Banana! Here's what she thought of our day...

Thanks for stopping by!


Kimberly Paradiso said...

Wow Crystal!! Indeed a very busy week for you! It's crazy how fast life can ramp up on us!! I am feeling it myself! Scarcely enough time, just now catching up on reading blogs myself...and trying to even put together a few thoughts for a blog post?? Forgetaboutit!! ;-) Looks like the kids are off to a great start in spite of it all. Congrats to you for landing a part time gig at home! That Anna Banana is just too cute hangin out on that comfy quilt!

Bugsparrow said...

Hello Kimee! Yes, it's been busy...but I feel we are starting to form a regular routine now! You'll see more of my Anna girl around here soon!